Always a Bridesmaid…

Another surprise in the mail today: found out I was a semi-finalist for the 2008 Walt Whitman Award. This would be my second time as a semi-finalist, though the letter doesn’t specify for which manuscript I submitted, so it may have been the Erotic Postulate again or Skin Shift for the first time. It remains a mystery, though whichever manuscript it may have been, it was one of 38 semi-finalists from over 1000 entries.

The Erotic Postulate was one of 25 semi-finalists out of almost 1300 submissions for the 2006 Walt Whitman Award.

And to go back a bit further, The Erotic Postulate was a finalist in the 2005 National Poetry Series, one of 20 I think out of nearly 1400 entries.

One of these years I’ll get to kiss the groom…

UPDATE: Mystery solved. It was for The Erotic Postulate.