A Pair of Pushcart Nominations from PoetsArtists

I’m quite humbled to hear that Didi at PoetsArtists magazine has not only nominated a pair of my poems for the Pushcart Prize, but I’m the only nominee she’s sending along this year.  The two poems:

M/Ghost M

Tanka Answers to a Ten Question Interview

This brings my lifetime Pushcart nomination tally up to eleven. Always an honor when the editors of a magazine acknowledge your work.  And hey, maybe one of these years I’ll actually win one.  And to quote the first tanka from “Tanka Answers…” which answers the question “What are your thoughts on the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies?”

the pushcart woman
sells mango slices while you
wait for skewered cube
juice stick stuck stacked when jacked fruit
picks up a clear plastic cup