New Yorkers

Our friend, the artist Sally Davies, has a new book out, New Yorkers. She photographed New Yorkers in their homes, a project she wrapped right before the pandemic hit. For so many of us cooped up in our homes for over a year now, it’s a fascinating look inside the homes of others. Here’s the photo she included of us with some of the art we’ve collected, some of my favorite toys, and some of the animal characters (Monkey, Nicholas) that our close friends have come to know and love:

Matthew (l) and Michael (r) at home in Astoria, NY. Sally Davies, 2020.

Here’s the book trailer, Michael’s review at and his review at F-Stop Magazine, and a review (with lots of photos from the book!) in The Guardian. If you’re interested in knowing more about Sally and her work, here’s an interview from Street Photography Magazine.