Appearance on The Poet and The Poem from the Library of Congress, hosted by Grace Cavalieri.
Audio for “[G]olden Circe Sips Her Coffee” which was included in the 2021 edition of QUEENSBOUND.
The audio for “I Am Not a Myth” which appeared on The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day and in the collection The Masque of Marilyn.
The audio for “In Pursuit of a More Perfect Armor,” the opening poem from The Masque of Marilyn.
“8:46 AM, Five Years Later” for baritone and piano, text by Matthew Hittinger, performed by Jesse Blumberg and Jocelyn Dueck, commissioned by the Five Boroughs Music Festival.
“Movable Mound Music” text and reading by Matthew Hittinger remixed with elements from John Glover’s ‘Life Cycles.” Both works inspired by Mark Mastroianni’s solo show at the Woodward Gallery on the LES of NYC titled ‘Natural Wisdom’.Second appearance on the Joe Milford Poetry Show with continued readings from Skin Shift and the earliest Marilyn Monroe poems from The Masque of Marilyn.First appearance on the Joe Milford Poetry Show with readings from Pear Slip and Skin Shift including selections from Narcissus Resists.