Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014
Cover Art: Christopher Sousa
ISBN: 978-1-937420-76-5 (primary cover – red cross)
978-1-937420-77-2 (variant cover – top hat)
978-1-937420-78-9 (variant cover – laurel wreath)
6 x 9 Perfect-Bound
120 Pages
Click ISBN above to order from SRP, or click here to order a signed copy directly from me. Be sure to specify which cover you’d like!
Reviews & Press
“The Erotic Postulate is arresting and subtle in its exploration of the complexities, histories, and realities of gay sexuality, aesthetics, and identity. Many of these poems reveal — and revel in — the erotics of sight and the written word. It is both a cerebral and visceral pleasure to read a poet who brings so much to the page. Anyone who cares about the present — and future — of poetry should read this brilliant, groundbreaking book.”
– Alice Fulton
“Matthew Hittinger’s The Erotic Postulate is a sophisticated examination of math’s most basic equation: 1 + 1 = 2, which he reconfigures as ‘your body yours,// my body mine, one next to one as two.’ Suddenly, the politics of desire–physical attraction, emotional distance, surrender, struggle, rejection–trouble the intimacy of any unit (a pair, a couple, a marriage) located on any plane (a wrestling mat, a dance floor, a bed). But in Hittinger’s vision, the intersection of separate entities isn’t limited to one body’s connection to another, it also charts human relationship to landscape, culture, and imagination. Curious and observant, The Erotic Postulate sparkles with wonder.”
– Rigoberto González
“The Erotic Postulate is a full and generous experience that deserves all of the demands it makes upon its readers. Sexy and smart, these poems pivot on surprising leaps and turns of language.”
– Tony Leuzzi, for Lambda Literary
Book Highlights
September 16, 2014: Book Release
January 2, 2015: Tony Leuzzi reviews The Erotic Postulate for Lambda Literary.
February 2, 2015: The Erotic Postulate named to the 2015 Over the Rainbow List for Poetry, which is compiled by the American Library Association’s GLBT Round Table.