Gregory Woods Reviews Ganymede Poets, One for Chroma

Gregory Woods, author of the critical study Articulate Flesh: Male Homoeroticism and Modern Poetry (a well-worn copy of which sits by my desk) has reviewed the anthology Ganymede Poets, One for Chroma: A Queer Literary and Arts Journal.

Woods highlights some of our work:

So what impresses me here, before we even begin on the content, is the quality of the verse. Christopher Gaskins, for instance, impresses me not so much for what he says as by the way he says it in lean, sinewy, unsentimental free verse. The same might be said of Matthew Hittinger’s syllabics and Jee Leong Koh’s disciplined, rhyming quatrains. And there are always individual lines to take one’s fancy: I did enjoy this sentence from R.J. Gibson’s ‘On Main Street’: ‘Like some classist / prat in a Forster novel with a boner for the help, you want a little trade’.

I love that poem of RJ’s too (can’t wait for his chapbook, Scavenge, to come out from Seven Kitchens Press in February).

Click on the excerpt above the read the entire review.

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