Ornament Stories: Day 1

For the month of December, I’ll be posting little stories about the ornaments on my Xmas tree. You can take the boy out of Christmas City, USA…

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My little sister’s birthday is today, December 1st (Happy Birthday, Jess!). We are four and half years apart, so one’s full birthday is the other’s half. My early summer, end-of-school year birthday parties were usually the Showbiz Pizza kind, or video game fueled sleepovers with cake and newly unwrapped He-Man figures battling on the back porch. For my sister, a string of celebrations around the dining room table where she and her girlfriends would make crafts as part of the entertainment. I loved crafts, anything arts or arts adjacent that let me use my hands to make beautiful objects. So this older brother often joined in. One year we made cut-out cookie ornaments. I have two on my tree to this day: a star covered in gold glitter and a miniature stylized fir decorated with puffy paint. And they still smell of cinnamon and ginger, applesauce and glue.

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One Reply to “Ornament Stories: Day 1”

  1. I love this! My tree is always full of crazy looking ornaments from trips we’ve taken, ones we’ve made, ones that have been gifted or handed down. They all have stories behind them and it’s such a trip down memory lane when we put them on the tree. I look forward to hearing all about your ornaments and their stories.

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